

             The instructional programme at SJS is planned to provide the best possible education for each child in the school. It consists of experiences which will develop habits, knowledge, understanding and attitude for present and future living. These experiences are selected according to the needs, abilities and interest of the group and each child.

             Students at St. Joseph’s School begin their day at School Assembly where all of them along with teachers offer their daily prayer to the almighty God and seek his blessings for the day to day activities. Special announcements and messages related to students are given at the assembly.

           The carefully planned curriculum serves as guide for promoting continuous growth of each child. It seeks to help each child to develop to the best of her or his ability and become a well adjusted, self supporting and actively participating citizen.

In an informal yet structured setting, we try to help each child to:

  • Adjust coming to school
  • Adjust to class room routine
  • Accept new authority figures
  •  Function in a group situation

            At SJS, each day is a new day with new life in it and the students are provided all the opportunities to seize it and live in it. Overall the life at School is a time of living and growing together- an atmosphere where these is more to dream, more to achieve and more to live together.

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