It is a well established fact that every individual child is unique and has different acumen and pace of learning and understanding. Keeping this in mind school provides an exciting and rigorous educational experience designed to help each student grow into a caring, thoughtful, principled, personally and socially well-balanced human being. Each student is given ample opportunities to become technologically literate, learn to communicate effectively, build teams and take risks in a supportive environment of the teachers.
Promotion is given on the basis of the year’s performance and not merely on marks scored in the final exams. Continuous assessment of students performance is done through unit test, term examination, preparatory examination and annual examination in all the core subjects and languages. Grades are awarded for non-core subjects such as S.U.P.W., Singing, Drawing, Moral Science and P.T./Games. Weightage is given on the students’ performance in various projects and assignments. Every student must be present for exams conducted by the school.